The majority of the secured subjects to be think that all it takes is to call a desired private security company, order an hour protection, and specify the cost of the whole undertaking.After the specification of the basic needs and criteria, the decisive moment in communication between the client and the firm takes place. The latter may, of course, decide to accept the placed order and send a security guard to protect the interested person in a non recognized area.
However, in such a case, the amount of key pieces of information that are necessary for a satisfactory service provision is insufficient. The other option is to comply with the code of conduct of the company and resort to asking all kinds of possible questions such as: „Who is to be protected? Where? With whom? In what manner?
Only then is it possible to accurately identify the threat to client’s safety and decide on initiating a given operational plan. Answers to the aforementioned questions grant the possibility to properly create an operational paradigm, specify the number of required protection teams, identify applicable tactics, advise behavioral patterns, set transportation routes, and agree on means of transport to be utilized.
Unfortunately, many companies neglect the advised code of conduct and appoint unskilled security guards to protect their clients. The latter are also not familiar with the operational paradigm that should be followed, mainly because their knowledge is based on action movies seen in TV.
For a number of subjects and guards, all the key actions are those which are considered absolute minimum by factual professionals.
Private security should be directly associated with a set of tasks and activities that must be performed to ensure a satisfactory security of
VIP in terms of his or her health condition, life, and the safety of his or her possessions. Furthermore, proper care must be exercised to minimize the negative effects of such unexpected occurrences as, for example, fainting.
Not many people are fully aware of the fact that in order to prepare a factual plan of private security, weeks or even months of constant cooperation of protection experts are needed.
They include hours of conversations with the client, his or her environment, observation of his or her surroundings, as well as interviews with people working or staying in such places. A worker responsible for the creation of a protection plan and a “protection officer” that will be directly liable for the safety of the client must be both perfectly familiar with all the problems he or she struggles with.
The said knowledge includes data on his or her health condition, illnesses, allergies, and preferences. What is more, experts must know what people have the access to the client, if they have been threatening him or her, and what their occupations are.
It is only a fraction of data that must be collected directly from the client, as well as from his or her partner, lover, children, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, neighbors, etc.
It must be remembered, however, that a personal protection expert has to follow a strict ethic code and keep all the gathered pieces of information fully confidential.
Only then can he ensure the safety of both his client and the experts he has been cooperating with and who have been involved in realizing safety related undertakings.
To elaborate on the time consuming character of the preparatory activities connected with client protection, it must be highlighted that five members of the Protection Bureau had spent entire four weeks to create a protection plan of a client before his three day visit to one of bigger countries in Europe was initiated.